Monday, April 16, 2012

BSTT Spin A Thon

Annual spin a thon by Bay State Tri Team for special olympics! Great turnout & a lot of work! The spin a thon is 5 hours long - our schedule called for a 4 hour bike ride, so it worked out really well. And I definitely used my recovery boots after this!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Old picture

Love this picture of us: me (far right), my brother & sister. None of us were looking at the camera - must have been thinking about our next adventure! My sister is looking like she is nervous of my brother's toy gun :)

Friday, April 13, 2012


Big workouts = big recovery! Our workouts are building & building, so I thought I would try something new: recovery boots. They are awesome at massaging your legs! Different pressures & different pause settings.

Chris using the boots - he loves them too!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spark Bike Shop Charity Night

A local bike shop that we frequent supports the charity 'Home for the Troops'. We attended their yearly fundraiser. Good food, good prizes, and great entertainment: Stand up comedians - very funny! Huge turnout - so glad we went!
And our favorite local pro triathlete was there: Cait Snow! Her & her husband had donated some items for the silent auction. We managed to snag some of her time & have her sign her magazine covers. That's 2 now! Triathlete Magazine & Lava - so excited for her!

Monday, April 9, 2012

My turn for the Roadster Ride!

My first ride in the 34 Roadster!

You can see my reflection in the windshield :)

Chris found some things he needs to tweek, but is overall, he is very happy with it!

Back in the shop - with the hood & hood sides

What a beaut!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Test Drive!

Some more details on the roadster - like the overflow:
and the topBack from a test drive & ready to go again :) Happy Camper!
Just need the interior done & some more miles! Yippee!!