Friday, November 15, 2013

Trip to North Carolina!!

My good friend & her family moved to Wilmington, NC - almost one year ago!!  I was excited to finally visit!!  I always have a great time with her & her family!

Wilmington is adorable!
 It's a small city (the largest NC town on the water).  It's on the Cape Fear river & very close to the open ocean :)
USS Carolina
 Cape Fear River

 Port City Java

 View from our lunch spot :)

 After lunch & a tour of Wilmington, we headed back to my friend's home.  It is beautiful!!  I love every room & the kitchen is especially lovely.
 And look at that sun room - love it too!  Amy's husband & son went to the movies that night, and we & her daughter went shopping!
 The next day, we headed to Southport.  Quaint seaside town - where a lot of movies & tv shows have been filmed.  Currently, Sleepy Hollow is filmed in the area.  Safe Haven was the latest movie that was filmed here.

Me & Amy :)
 Southport - cute!

 We stopped at the local visitors shop.  They had information on all the shows & movies filmed in the area.  Pretty cool.
 Amy & Kayleigh standing by the Safe Haven 'doors' to Ryan's Market.

 This restaurant was also in the movie, Safe Haven.

 We ate lunch at Fishy Fishy Cafe.  Yummy!
 It was a wonderful day.  Such a treat to visit Southport.  And that evening, we watched the movie, Safe Haven.  So cool to watch the movie after having just walked the town!

The next day, Amy took me around to the local beaches.  I had to get my water fix!  And there are plenty of beaches to visit.  We went to Wrightsville

 And Topsail

 It was a lovely peaceful day!

And our final day was even more relaxing -a nice bike ride through the neighborhood, and pancakes for breakfast - Thank you!  And some more shopping.  And we took a nice walk in a park by UNCW.
 I had a great visit!  My friend, Amy, is so much fun to be with :)  And her family too!!

Hope to see you again soon!

I always get a good photo bomb of Amy!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Changing things around

Having a white kitten causes problems with these dark rugs...

 So, even though we have light colored floors, I thought I would try & see how light colored rugs would look...

Living room - not too bad, really brightened the room up
 These are kind of blah, but once I moved the dark chairs to the island, I think they look better..
I guess they look ok.  The floors just look so yellow.
 We changed the living room around too.  1st time in 7 years!  We still like it better the old way, but it's fun to have it different for a while.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Patriot's Tailgating Party

Tailgating at a friend's!

 New England Patriots vs Pittsburgh Steelers: our friend's had a fun get together
 Nice fall day - not too chilly.  (Chris, Bob, and Bill cleaning up a broken beer bottle)
 Eventually we headed inside to a lot of yummy food!

 Bolts thought the football game was boring, even though the Patriots won  :)
 But he was really only tired b/c he spent a good part of the day playing with Darcy - a Portuguese water dog.
 They ran & ran!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hiking Season!

Mattapoisett State Park

 We love to hike!  and fall is the best time.  Cool weather & no bugs!
 Bolts loves it too!  Now we just need to find a weekend & head north to some real mountains!!

 Fall is a beautiful season, but it's still my least favorite (b/c winter is coming, ugh)