Friday, March 21, 2014


Yay!  Alexa got accepted into nursing school!  She's so excited!  She worked hard - had amazing grades - so she definitely deserved it!  We went out for a fun dinner with her dad & her husband.  Good times!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

St Pattys Day Party!

Our friends from the SF Napa trip have a yearly St Patty's Day party.  Beautiful view from their home in Jamestown.

 Good food!
 Good Friends!  We love hanging out with this group.  We always laugh a lot.
 Good times!!

Monday, March 17, 2014

The inside

Nice black & saddle interior!  Most of the Wranglers come in all black, so it was nice to find this one. 

 Have to have the floor shifter :)  And Chris got me some great new floor mats!

 Easy to read & simple gauges
 I do have navigation - so the Wrangler isn't too simple
 Have to have the back section for barn stuff.  No cover for it though :(
 The all important back tire!

Friday, March 14, 2014

I guess it had to happen sometime...

My Land Rover Discovery died :(  So heartbroken.  I just loved that vehicle!  

 It was still practically brand new inside...  and it was born in 2002.
 But out with the old, and in with the new!  I am not a fan of the new Land Rovers, so on to something else - a Jeep Wrangler.
 I like the square body style and their classic look.  It will be fun to drive - especially in the summer - with the top off!
I'll post some more photos soon :)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!

I love having a birthday!  Always so fun & you feel special all day long (even if you don't do too much :)
 My birthday this year was on a work day - oh joy!  But at least my friends made it fun!
Overall, it was a pretty low key birthday.  But I ate some good cake & pizza - so that's all I need :)

Monday, March 10, 2014

FInally a day nice enough to enjoy a Hike!

We have been cooped up this winter!!
 Too many cold days - lots of single digit days which is uncommon for this area.
 So, we were all excited when we finally had a nice winter day - sunshine & temps in the high 40's.  Nice!
Bolts ran and ran and ran and ran!
 He found a friend to play with too!  You can't really see her in the picture below - she's little & white & moves very quickly!
Such a great day!  Didn't even mind the snow covered ground.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hyannis Half Marathon!

Our first official race of 2014.  We did a 5k in Saratoga - but it wasn't a timed course.
We have raced this half marathon 4 times.  This is the first year where the weather was GOOD!  It was clear (cloudy start) & dry & warm (40-50's).  It's usually either raining or snowing & cold.

 Busy expo!
 We got a great deal on new running shoes!
 Ugliest tshirt ever!  Red & Maroon - YUCK!  And it's cotton.  It's going right into the pile of clothes that Chris wears in the garage :)
 Always a lovely sight to see - the Finish Line!
 After the race!  I ran my fastest half marathon - 1:50.  Chris ran with me & missed his PR by 40 seconds (He has run a 1:49).  He could have been hit PR if he would have dropped me, but since we were on a good pace  - it didn't really matter!
 Bib #'s & Medal (sorry it's sideways)