Saturday, May 31, 2014

Ironman Texas!

Yep, we did it again!
We headed back to Texas for another Ironman

 We arrived on a Wednesday - & checked in for the race (before the crowds came on Thursday)

Lots of stuff they give you...
 We did some small workouts on Wed & Thursday & relaxed.  Then it was Friday & time to drop off the bikes...
 and the Gear bags (in Ironman, you put your necessary bike helmet, running shoes, etc in bags, so the transition area stays clean)
 I got my food ready for the race day.  You get really tired of eating power bars, gels, and cliff shots...
 We woke up at 3:30 am, ate some breakfast (me, not so much; Chris has it down to a science).  At 5:00 we drove 5 minutes to a parking garage near the finish line.  Then we had to walk to the transition area - add our food & drinks to our bikes - and then walk a mile to the swim start.  The lake was cooler this year - only 71 degrees, so wet suits were allowed.  While we were waiting for the race to start, we saw our old coach who gave us some final pointers.  That was cool.  Then it was 7:00 & we were in the water & swimming for 2.4 miles.  You never know how long you are really in the water (unless you look at your watch).  I didn't know if I was going fast or slow - no real idea.   Turns out, Chris & I both had good swims.  Then it was onto the bike - 112 miles.  Chris passed me early (I only beat him out of the water by a couple minutes).  He was cruising along on his bike - I can never keep up.  I was in a good place though, amazingly enough (I'm not a strong rider).  There were very strong winds this year, but the temperature was much cooler (mid 80's versus 100 last year).  Even though we rode into the wind during the last part of the bike, I rode faster.  Wow - not sure how that happened!  I hope I can repeat that again some day...  Back to transition & out onto the run course - 3 loops of approx 9 miles = 26.2 total.   Chris & I met up at mile 14 & ran together for the next 4.  He wasn't feeling that great & i was definitely slowing too.  Chris told me to go ahead at mile 18.  So I finished about 30 minutes earlier.  We both finished in the daylight - yay!  Those last few miles were tough!  It was windy, but the crowd support was awesome.  We love this course!

Here we are picking up our bikes at 9:00 pm
 Day after photos :)  at the expo
 along the run course
 We went to the awards ceremony to hear Mike Reilly & the winners speak.
 The rest of the day, we took some nice walks, and relaxed.  That night, we walked over to the pavilion
where they have outside concerts.  Styx was playing - cool!  We didn't get tickets, but we hung outside & enjoyed the concert as much as those inside :)  It was a great way to end our day after Ironman :)

Friday, May 30, 2014

Bolts is so cute!

Isn't he the cutest? :)

 our niece, Alexa & her husband Corey think so :)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Cruise nights are back!

Sailing & hot rod season - yay!

Cruise nights are the best. Every night there is a gathering of hot rods.  So every night, you can drive your car down awesome back roads & meet up with your friends.  Love!

 our Woodrow has been making the rounds...
 All the hot rodeos are happy to be out & about

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sailboat has been launched for the 2014 sailing season!

We are in the water!

 Now we just need some warm sunshiny days!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Swap Meet season!

Who are we kidding - it's springtime - it's the season for everything!!

And it's nice to go to swap meets when it's nice & warm :)

 Always fun to see friends out & about
 Lots of hot rod parts!
 Bolts enjoying the fun too!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Book of Mormon's play

I bid on these tickets last fall at a charity event.  My friend won them, but invited me & Chris to come along.  Wow - that was nice!

 It had some funny parts - but I'm not sure I really liked it.  Some parts were just a little too rude.  But it was still an enjoyable evening with good friends.

Friday, May 23, 2014


Yacht club commissioning day = the official start of sailing season - yay!

 It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon (we haven't had too many)
 and everyone came out to enjoy the festivities!
 The canon!
 Me & Chris!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Finished back yard (well almost!)

Loom dumped by our friend Joe - and grass seed added too.
Chris is watering & watering & watering

 Starting to grow!
 Looking good! Still a little spotty.  We'll add some more seed & hope it fills in.  So much happier with this back yard though - it's so nice!!