Friday, April 27, 2018

Finishing touches

Construction crew is gone, so putting the finishing touches on the house (these will take a while to do)
One of the first projects is to paint -and get rid of the yellow kitchen & green living room!
 We've started setting up our living room, but decided we have too much brown!  So we'll be shopping for new furniture at some point

 Getting our light fixtures set.  Still one more to go!  (it arrived broken :()
 We've changed the height of the ceiling fans.  The original poles were too long and made them hang below the beams which we did not like
 added another 'copper' counter top!
 Painted the front door - got rid of that green, yay!
 And we've started setting up the pool table!  We need to get new felt, so it may not be completely finished for a week or two.  Still lots to do!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Uncovering the Sailboat!

It really is spring!  And time to get the boat ready for sailing!

 First step - taking the cover off!  Then we'll start cleaning; buffing; and painting.  We should be ready by the 2nd or 3rd week of May!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Some nice days for Walking!

Enjoying the spring like days (finally)!  We've been taking Bolts for some nice walks through Colt State Park

 It's still a little chilly in the morning, but has been warming up nicely later in the day!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The end is in sight!

Chris is painting!  Love the colors he chose for the basement
 and the checkerboard beams
 We are looking at possible pendant lights for the kitchen
 and other decorative ideas
 Chris is also painting upstairs!  The kitchen and living room (finally getting rid of the yellow and green).  We will still have to paint our to be den/library and the hallways

 He built another shelf for our new half wall.  We'll be powder coating it to look like our kitchen island and breakfast bar

 So happy the end is near!
We do have to redo the fireplace - our only real set back.  They have taken all the stone off and are adding the chicken wire (which the dope before didn't do - even though Chris questioned him about it).  I'm trying to add the pictures - but they just don't want to load.  Maybe I'll add them in a later post.  But soon, we'll be adding our furniture back and actually living in our house again!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Never ending Winter!

A snow storm every week in March!  And the snow (although not really storms at least) is continuing into April.  Ugh.  At least summer is around the corner, so we know that the snow won't last long and it really will be ending soon...