Wednesday, February 27, 2019

We get outside - even when it's cold!

Bolts & I take a walk most days (he doesn't like to go every day bc it gets too boring, ha ha).  And I don't like to go out on the really cold days....  but we still get outside a lot in the winter.
We get to the 'beach' (it's not a FL beach, but Bolts still loves it)

 And we get to the forest

 A beautiful Holly tree decorated in the middle of the woods - how nice :)
 And we also get out in the snow - which Bolts loves!

Monday, February 25, 2019

Bringing it home!

We got the trailer ready (added a front piece to help protect the car from road rash) , received the race ramps, and we had a nice day so we went to pick up the Corvette

 Race ramps were awesome and the car went onto the trailer like a dream

 Good trip home - and now it's in the garage!

 Chris always has a project.  The Corvette came with the racing package, but didn't have the right seats (for the special racing seat belts).  So he's working on changing them out! 

 Crazy!  This project will take a couple days
 And then he'll be onto this one - making a tool box for the open trailer! 

Friday, February 22, 2019

Who knew...

Who knew that we would see more deer in town than we did when we lived in the country?!?!  This herd of 6 deer went strolling by our window.   We do have empty lots on either side of our home, so they must live there - lucky us (not)
 and who knew that they could build an elliptical that wasn't 10 feet long!!  This one is compact and fits in our workout room perfectly!  We love it - especially as we get older :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Pet time

We took Bolts to the closest dog park, which is in Portsmouth.  It's well kept, and Bolts had fun.  I try to go during the week, but there aren't as many pups playing.  This past weekend, there were a lot which is good!

 And he slept really good afterward :)
 We also recently took him for a walk in the woods - the forest we used to always walk in

 There are a few sandy spots that he loves to run through

 Can't leave out Bean!  She obviously doesn't do walks in the woods.  She will barely walk to her food dish!  She has had a grumpy look on her face for a while now & she is always growling at Bolts.  I can't tell if she wants him to play with her or if she's really annoyed with him.  He rarely bothers with her, so I can't figure it out. 

 Bolts did get a bath recently.  He smells much better :)

 And just in time for the snow!

 Now he'll be smelling like wet dog again :)
 We tried to get Bean outside... she was a little curious but didn't make the plunge

And we got  new robot vacuum!  Bolts loves it, of course

 And he always tells her goodnight :)
 and goodnight and goodnight and goodnight :)