Monday, April 29, 2019

Uncovering the sailboat!

Time to uncover the sailboat!
 It looks good from afar, but needs a lot of cleaning!  Hopefully there will be some nice warm sunny days in our future, so it will make the cleaning more enjoyable
 It was nice enough to have a fire in our fire pit!  A little windy, so Bolts fur smelled like a fire for a few days :)
 And we had a beautiful sunset from our sun room!

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Walking the dog

We've had some great days to walk Bolts!  Once summer is in full swing, the ticks are too prevalent (actually they are already here :(  )
One day we walked the 'forest' at Colt State Park

 Another day we walked the trails at Mt Hope Farm
 Mt Hope bridge

 We saw a group of people clamming at Colt State Park

And one day we went to our own little beach

Friday, April 26, 2019

It's springtime!

The grass is green!
 and the flowers are blooming!

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Trip home

The Corvette looks nice with its new number!
 A few extra minutes before we headed home - so it was nice to spend it on the beach!

 Bolts varying positions on our ride back to RI


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Sebring Race track!

We headed to Sebring for some more track day racing!
 We were in town for 2 days of racing - Saturday & Sunday

 Chris' mom and family showed up on Sunday to watch! 
 Liz did a ride along during the lunch hour break!

 Chris' support team!

 Another fun outing!  Chris said the caliber of racers was much higher on Saturday.  Good practice!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Other fun FL activities

I went with my friend to her dressage lesson.  It was a beautiful day and I loved being around the horses :)

 I've been doing lots of training!  So the compression boots have been well used :)
 Dinner out with friends
 and more friends!
 And what's always lovely in FL - the sunsets!!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Bolts time in the sun!

We took him for a short cruise in the corvette (the corvette is not really a road car ( tires & brakes are too expensive to use them up on the regular roads), so the drive was short and sweet)
 He went for some nice walks!
 and chased a lot of squirrels!

 He spent mornings at the dog park
 and afternoons!  (Thanks for the treats Phil!)

 And we went on more walks to see the pretty scenery (and to chase more squirrels!)