Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Floriday Women's Sailing Association meeting

I attended a FWSA meeting with my class & some other Lassies.  It was very interesting and we all learned a lot!  There are 10 other sailing clubs in Florida, besides our Luffing Lassies.  They have inter club regatta's, meetings, and other fun social events.  Lots of new people to meet!

we had breakout sessions to focus on different topics and future building
our own Joelle played her harp for everyone

celebrating 50 years - wow!

some fun dancing at the end :)


Monday, January 29, 2024

Cars & Coffee

it's been cool & rainy but we did have a nice morning for the monthly cars & coffee near our place
we drove the Black Porsche
good turnout
live music


Friday, January 26, 2024

Lots of volunteer hours

kittens at Nate's Honor Rescue

dogs and puppies at Satchel's

and kitties at Satchel's

and more puppies at Satchel's

This little one (above) is only 9 weeks old and was so fun to play with!   I'm volunteering one day a week at Nate's and 2 days at Satchel's


Thursday, January 25, 2024

Not neglecting Bolts!

I still have time to take Bolts to the dog park & for nightly walks, even though I'm busy with the rescues.  He still loves the dog park in the mornings!


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Sunset's; Relaxing; Food and Fun

Sunset from O'Leary's pub
chilling with Bolts
breakfast with Mom & Chris
wine with Chris, Ashley & Steve
relaxing with a book

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Busy weekday!

lunch with Mom and Sandy
then our villa pool party

then Trivia night!

we were terrible, but boy did we laugh!!

Monday, January 22, 2024

Back to Satchels - dog walking & cat care

Finally had time to get to Satchel's Last Resort and walk some dogs!   And they were good ones.  Some familiar faces like Ernie (above) and some new fun ones like Zipper (below)

one thing is for certain - they all like hot dog treats!
I try and visit the cat room too.  Some new ones here too - like Prima
and Daffodil