Monday, January 18, 2010

Winter workouts

This is what we see every Tuesday night, Thursday morning & Thursday night; Saturday morning, and Sunday morning... Every once in a while, we change it up, by riding the stationary bikes at the gym. They aren't the best, but it's nice to have a change of scenery. We also get a change of scenery when we head to New Hampshire for the weekend, and park our trainers in the living room of our small condo. This will continue until warm weather hits - hopefully in March!!
Same scenario with the treadmill. It's in a different room of our house, with a different TV. And of course, there are several different varieties at the health club. Normally, we would brave the cold, and just run outside. But with our heart rate training, we are running at different paces, so we're running alone. So, it's on to the treadmills! We've never run on treadmills so much. Yesterday, it was 1:20 run - ouch! Fortunately, with some good music and a good movie, time does move along. Treadmill days are Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday.
Today is Monday, and it's a swim & strength training day. We have to go to the health club to get this workout in. See you!!

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