Friday, December 17, 2010

Motivation is needed

I am so lacking in motivation these days!

Maybe a nice sandy beach would help - but wait - I was just on some sandy beaches in Florida & my motivation is still low...

Maybe I'm missing sailing more than I thought... who wouldn't miss visions like this...

Maybe I need to get to the mountains & go for a nice long hike - even though they are snow covered by now...

Maybe I need to get out of the country... but Chris was just in Europe, so I'm sure he won't be up for it...

Maybe I need to spend more time at the horse barn - but lately I'm there 3 times a week - so, maybe I need to spend less time there...

Oh, I don't know, but I really need the motivation to get in the pool,

and to get cycling...

and to use these...

Winter is here - blech!

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