Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Softball Team Fundraiser at Foxwoods

Last Saturday, I went to the Foxwoods casino for the first time. It's a popular place in New England, but I lived in Nevada - where casinos are quite commonplace. I'm not a fan. But my friend from work had organized a bus trip to the casino, with the proceeds benefiting her daughter's softball team. It was inexpensive and for a good cause, so why not! And it would be fun to hang out with my friends from work. Bus trip - with lots of jello shots; beers; cocktails; and pudding shots. I tried the jello & pudding shots - yuck! I had a big Sunday planned, so that was all I drank all night (besides a Sprite at dinner) Here we are!
Pauline - organizing the troops:

Pauline at the Poker machines. She played them all night. Unfortunately, she didn't win - but her daughter came home with $120!
The casino was very busy - a cold March evening
Here are me & Marina - at the penny slots :) I spent $5. Gambler I am not!

Pauline & Leslie before they lost too much.
Dinner at Hard Rock cafe was fun & very good!
After dinner, me, Leslie & Marina walked around & checked the place out. A band was playing in the atrium - they were very good.
Not quite up to the Vegas level of casino decorations. But there were still some nice scenery - like this waterfall & pool
They also had a smoke free casino which was very much appreciated!
The overall feel to me anyway - was a large mall. I didn't feel like I was in a casino. Easy exits; high ceilings.... Usually the casinos are set up, so you can't find your way out - they want you to spend spend spend
We walked over to the theater district. If I come back, I'll spend more time here. I think it would be a great place to see a show.

Map - a few hotels & a lot of restaurants
Here are the gaming tables - they were packed
The two slot machines that I played:

It was a fun evening hanging out with the girls from work. And fortunately it was a cheap evening too!

Monday, March 28, 2011

LR's momentus occasion

3/26/11 = 100,000 miles!! Just after a car wash - ahhh!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fund Raiser

We attended a fund raiser in Bristol, RI to raise $$ for a 300 acre farm. The farm has a farmhouse which serves as a bed & breakfast; numerous walking trails; several out buildings (including this 'barn') that are used for events.

Silent auction items and a live auction were the hightlight of the evening.

Great decorations
Great food (too many desserts to count, including a chocolate fondue; cheeses, fruit...)
and great people
We met up with several friends from our yacht club. We bid on a few items, but we didn't 'win'. We did buy a bottle of wine & received a gift certificate for the local pizza parlor though - yum!
The evening was a great success and it was something fun & different to do.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Signs of spring - burn permit bought!

The snow is finally gone. It arrived on December 26th and it didn't leave until the 2nd week of March. That's a long stretch! So the weather is warming up and we can start on the yard work. We like to have our yard ready for summer by early May. Summer is too much fun to spend it working in the yard (besides the mowing of course)

Day 1 of the burn fest: front yard Just the little sticks that have fallen all winter.Then we decided to take down a tree that has been dead a few years. It didn't want to come down. And then it fell into the crook of another tree...

So, we had to get Chris' new truck & pull that tree around

Worked like a charm

It was a big tree!
And it made a nice pile of wood for our friend Peter.

It also made another big pile of branches that needed to be burned...

Day 2 of the burn fest: back yard

And we still have another big pile to go. So, we'll have to have day 3 of the burn fest another weekend.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Checking out a sailboat

We are looking forward to spring & are starting to really desire another sailboat. We love spending time on the water and don't want to miss another season. We are having a little bit harder time trying to find a sailboat this go-around however. We like newer sailboats (more expensive) and we would also like to have more of a racer (more expensive) We really enjoyed racing on Wednesday nights (through our yacht club) and we would like to try some other races.

We looked at this 36 foot sailboat. It's pretty nice and it's in the bay - so close to home. A little bigger than we really want, since most of the time it will be the 2 of us sailing. Our last sailboat was 31 feet. Above picture - the winter cover is still on and the sailboat had been de-masted for the winter, so it may look a little strange.

Below picture is the main cabin. It's still winterized, so many of the cushions are still off. And the cabin is storage for the lines; spinnaker pole, etc
Looking at another cabin (there are 3) & at the map table
Map table
kitchen & another cabin
There is a lot of storage on this boat (unlike the one that we looked at on Long Island, which we also really liked)
Back on deck - Chris standing at the helm. Huge wheel & great space

with the sails guyThe motor

Now what makes it a fast racer - the keel. This baby has a 7 foot 2 inch draft! (our last boat had a 5 foot draft)
Having a GPS with depth at the helm will be very important.

We both really like the boat, but we are still discussing it. It's 2 feet bigger than we want (would prefer a 33 or 34 foot boat); and it's about $30K more than we really wanted to spend. We shall see...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Chris' new daily driver

Chris' company lease came due, so it was time to look for a new ride. He found this & is very happy with it!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Some Funnies!! Happy St Patrick's Day!

These went around an email string a couple weeks ago & I found them quite funny, so I thought I would share. Each caption has it's own copyright & author.

And my favorite...