Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Softball Team Fundraiser at Foxwoods

Last Saturday, I went to the Foxwoods casino for the first time. It's a popular place in New England, but I lived in Nevada - where casinos are quite commonplace. I'm not a fan. But my friend from work had organized a bus trip to the casino, with the proceeds benefiting her daughter's softball team. It was inexpensive and for a good cause, so why not! And it would be fun to hang out with my friends from work. Bus trip - with lots of jello shots; beers; cocktails; and pudding shots. I tried the jello & pudding shots - yuck! I had a big Sunday planned, so that was all I drank all night (besides a Sprite at dinner) Here we are!
Pauline - organizing the troops:

Pauline at the Poker machines. She played them all night. Unfortunately, she didn't win - but her daughter came home with $120!
The casino was very busy - a cold March evening
Here are me & Marina - at the penny slots :) I spent $5. Gambler I am not!

Pauline & Leslie before they lost too much.
Dinner at Hard Rock cafe was fun & very good!
After dinner, me, Leslie & Marina walked around & checked the place out. A band was playing in the atrium - they were very good.
Not quite up to the Vegas level of casino decorations. But there were still some nice scenery - like this waterfall & pool
They also had a smoke free casino which was very much appreciated!
The overall feel to me anyway - was a large mall. I didn't feel like I was in a casino. Easy exits; high ceilings.... Usually the casinos are set up, so you can't find your way out - they want you to spend spend spend
We walked over to the theater district. If I come back, I'll spend more time here. I think it would be a great place to see a show.

Map - a few hotels & a lot of restaurants
Here are the gaming tables - they were packed
The two slot machines that I played:

It was a fun evening hanging out with the girls from work. And fortunately it was a cheap evening too!

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