Friday, April 1, 2011

BSTT Spin a Thon

The Sunday morning after the Foxwoods trip, we were up early and off to do a charity spin a thon with our triathlon club. A great turnout - about 80 participants. The hours were 8:30-2:30 and you could spin for the entire time or for just a few minutes. Getting set up! Ready to roll
Ready for a 4 hour spin! That was on schedule for the weekend, so it was nice to work it into a group ride.
Chris getting serious
Local pro - Cait Snow also joined in. She's awesome! 8th in at the World Championships in Hawaii & last weekend she came in 3rd place at San Juan, Puerto Rico half ironman.
Our view for 4 hours
Big screen set up with Spinervals. Music was playing & people were chatting it up. The 4 hours flew by
The gym where it was taking place:
BSTT sponsors
Cait's husband, Tim, was also on hand. He is also a pro triathlete (5th at Ironman Lake Placid last year). He is also the Q&A coach for the training plan that we use. Our coach, Pat, writes the program, but Tim is the 'go to' guy for generic training questions. He also leads a monthly online training session.

He came over to us & chatted with us for the 1st hour (while we were warming up). It's cool to get a 'pro's' perspective on races, etc. He was in a very chatty mood & told us all about his triathlon adventures. And he gave us the scoop on some of Cait's too :) Best training hour of my life!
Here we are a couple hours into the ride.
Field started dwindling. There were only a couple riders who were staying for the entire time.
Our wastes
It was a great event! I can't wait until next year. Fortunately, the weather co-operated: it was cool & windy and we were all happy to ride inside.

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