Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Visit home

A MA holiday allowed me to go home for a long weekend a few weekends ago. Just spending time with the family. My mom & I had been reading some books about a girl who owned a cookie company, and the author finished most chapters with a recipe! So, we decided to spend the weekend baking - and bake we did!

Getting out the heavy hardware after our shoulders got tired!

Pumpkin chocolate chip - my favorites!

German chocolate - Chris & Mom's favorite

Short Stack - supposed to taste like pancakes - but mostly just like butter :)

One box of many!

There were also some recipe's for non cookies...

Here we are baking a breakfast quiche.

And some biscuits!

It was a great weekend (except for my diet) And I can't wait to go home & do it again!

BTW, my 'eating pure' has been going pretty well. I haven't been in the candy jar at work, since April 1st. I haven't had any pizza since April 1st. My cheese, breads, coffee has been at a minimal. And I'm actually looking forward to my evening salad!

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