Friday, September 30, 2011

DW Field Triathlon

Chris' company races again! This year, they had 2 teams to do the relay, which consisted of a 14 mile bike; 1.7 mile kayak; 4 mile run.

Chris & I had to do our own run, so I didn't get any pictures of the bike start.

Here is Chris & Mark waiting for the bikes to come in

Another Mark, who was racing the kayak, was also waiting patiently (he's the one in the yellow life jacket.

The bikes started to arrive! Steve is in the red shirt (back to picture)

Waiting at the boat dock for the kayakers to finish

Chris taking off on the run!

Chris finishing the run. He did great - considering we ran 3 1/2 hours the day before; and before the race - we did a 1 hour bike ride & 50 minute run. Then he did this 4 mile run race~

Rick finishing the run (hard to see - sorry, not a very good close up)

A good day, even though it was very warm & muggy! All the team members had fun & did a great job! Maybe next year, they can get 3 relay teams!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

More Polo fun (since we aren't sailing much these days...)

Our friends joined us for the Newport vs Brazil polo match

Was a little cloudy & cool - but still nice
Their daughter had fun watching the horses and especially loved the horse barns that we visited after the match.

This little guy got so excited about the horses - he had to run in and join them. Fortunately they saved him before he was stepped on!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Want it?

This ole' girl is hanging out in our back yard. She is actually for sale on ebay. I'm just hoping she is gone before the snow arrives and buries her...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fund Raiser with friends

A good reason to get dressed up

Lots of silent auction items

Great food & yummy desserts

After the silent auction, we headed into the ballroom for the live auction

Some of our friends at our table

Bob, John, Neta

Linda & Joe (Linda will be president of the non profit next year)

and us

Friday, September 23, 2011

Cruise Night

Not sure where our summer went - we didn't attend too many cruise nights - or very many car shows. Here are a few pictures from Wed. cruise night. Pictures aren't the best, as it gets dark early these days.
Great Band!
Good conversation with some friends we hadn't seen in a while (and yummy ice cream!)

Lots of muscle cars. A cool woody that I didn't get a photo of...

Some good shows coming up - including the Reliability Run - can't wait for that one!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Newport Boat Show

Our annual event - always a beautifully warm day. Was fun just hanging out near the water - even though we weren't in the market for a sailboat (although we probably will be at some point - initial report from the insurance company: 'totaled' :()

My favorite of the show - J109

C&C 115 was very nice too - just too big for us

It's looking like we'll probably take next summer off from owning a boat. Maybe we'll rent some J 22's from Sail Newport - but that might be it. Our luck with owning sailboats hasn't been the best.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


This guy showed up one morning

And he was still there that evening. Kind of cool, kind of creepy

This guy visited us earlier this summer. I had no idea what it was at first, but once we gave it a nudge to get off our garage door (so we could close it without squashing it) - it turned into a butterfly.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Old Timers Car show

Old Timers Car Show - one of our favorites! I missed it this year because of my sore back. Chris was able to attend though - it was a beautiful day!

Here he is driving - following his brother Dallas:

Friday, September 16, 2011

3 family

We did buy a 3 family! The deal was finalized in mid August. We are going to keep one floor for ourselves - for a while anyway. Will be a nice semi vacation home.
The home was built in the 1800's. A fire destroyed a large part of it, so it has basically been rebuilt. All new plumbing; wiring; flooring; kitchens, deck, etc. Hopefully will be low maintenance!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Laid up

I hurt my back trail running - tripped over a root :(. So on a beautiful Sunday - I stayed on the couch. Reruns of Sex & the City & then Football. Could have been worse.

Pinto (kitten we rescued from the horse barn) spent part of the day chilling with me too. She still scares the other pets, so they played & slept in the other room.

I know - she's scary, right??

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sailing with a friend & our old faithful - Polo!

Our friend Dave invited us out for a sail on his boat. Was nice to get out again, since ours won't be back in the water this year.

Was a super windy day - so we had to hang on!

Chris' turn at the helm.

Rail in the water most of the day!
Dave's 3 kids & their friend Logan joined us. As well as another couple from the yacht club - Judy & Tom. I was too busy hanging on to take too many photos.

Here is Morgan & Logan: we are just heading out - before we put up the sails - the calm before the storm!

And we are back to Saturday's at the polo field!

A great way to spend a sunny afternoon! I wish summer lasted all year!