Friday, September 30, 2011

DW Field Triathlon

Chris' company races again! This year, they had 2 teams to do the relay, which consisted of a 14 mile bike; 1.7 mile kayak; 4 mile run.

Chris & I had to do our own run, so I didn't get any pictures of the bike start.

Here is Chris & Mark waiting for the bikes to come in

Another Mark, who was racing the kayak, was also waiting patiently (he's the one in the yellow life jacket.

The bikes started to arrive! Steve is in the red shirt (back to picture)

Waiting at the boat dock for the kayakers to finish

Chris taking off on the run!

Chris finishing the run. He did great - considering we ran 3 1/2 hours the day before; and before the race - we did a 1 hour bike ride & 50 minute run. Then he did this 4 mile run race~

Rick finishing the run (hard to see - sorry, not a very good close up)

A good day, even though it was very warm & muggy! All the team members had fun & did a great job! Maybe next year, they can get 3 relay teams!

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