Thursday, October 11, 2012

The first Rodders Journal Revival

We, along with other TRJ subscribers, were invited to the first Rodders Journal Revival in Baltimore.  It was a weekend that we had free, so we decided to take the 34 Roadster on it's first long road trip.  It was well worth it!

Leaving Thursday morning  - top down of course!

Our friend, Ritchie, also joined us.  Road trips are always more fun with friends!

We arrived in Baltimore, checked into our hotel room, then headed to Pimlico race track for the Thursday night photo shoot.  It was a beautiful & warm evening.  After the photo shoot, we headed to the Canton Dockside for dinner.  Another impromptu photo shoot with all the hot rods in the parking lot.  And not just any hot rods - some of the best in the country.  There were no '20 footers' to be seen.

Friday morning, we met up in a grocery store parking lot near the Canton Dockside.  We headed out for the Friday cruise.  Another beautiful day (weather men had called for rain, rain, rain)
 It was a fun cruise - so many cars!
 We ended up at the River Watch restaurant - another place on the water.
Chris & Ritchie
 Another opportunity for cool photos

 Lots of opportunity to meet new friends too.  What a great weekend!
 Then we cruised back to the inner harbor - past the football & baseball stadiums

 Ritchie & Chris parked their cars on the sidewalk near the hotel, since we only had a couple hours between the cruise & the evening festivities.  They had their own personal car show!  And no one asked them to move - it was pretty cool!
 Then it was time for the Friday night drive in movie night at Fells Point!
 Found some good parking; went to a couple cool bars:  Koopers Tavern & The Horse You Came In On
 Movie night  = American Graffiti.  (you can see the screen in the far background)  Most people walked around, looked at cars, and enjoyed the bars & restaurants.  But the movie was a pretty cool idea.
 Saturday was the car show (and Sunday too)  It was your typical car show.  Drive in & park it.  It was at Pimlico racetrack which was pretty cool.  They had some vendors & a number of different bands.

After the Saturday show, they had a cruise to Little Havana.  Not as many people went along on this cruise.  I don't know why - I think it was great that they had so many venues planned.  There wasn't a lot of down time & you had so many opportunities to meet new people.  It was great!

 Dinner at Little Havana with some new friends

 Then it was time to come home :(  We headed home early on Sunday - so we didn't go back to the show.  We had a great time!  Can't wait until next year!  Thanks Ritchie!

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