Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What are we training for this year?

Our triathlon season is starting early this year, so we are well into the swing of things.

 Our weeks look a lot like this:
Mondays = easy day, light swim & strength
Tuesdays = 2 hour bike & masters swim class at night
Wednesdays = 1 hour run & strength (and the horse barn for Steph)
Thursdays = 2 hour bike & masters swim class, plus an easy recovery 20 minute run
Fridays = 1 hour run & strength
Saturdays = 4 hour bike & 30 minute transition run
Sundays = 2 hour bike & 10 mile run
We are staying busy, that's for sure.   I really want to add some Cross Fit classes into the schedule, but with a new puppy & horse riding, it's not possible right now.
 It's nice to actually be in shape for the month of January, rather than just starting to get into shape.
 We are headed to Texas in April & again in May.  May 18 is Ironman Texas.  It's gonna be tough, since it will probably be hot.  It's definitely hard to train for 'hot' in New England in winter.  But we're giving it our best shot!
Thinking about doing another Ironman in late October.  We'll see if our bodies hold up :)  And if I can continue training for that long!

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