Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Fund raiser

Our friend's son races, and they had their yearly fund raiser.  

 It was a fun gathering at a local American Legion.
 We sat with some friends from the horse barn where I ride.
 They won some Moonshine, so we tasted it.  It tasted like apple cider.  Yum!  We only had a sip though :)
 Good times :)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

New Doggie Door for the Slider!

We trained Bolts to ring a bell at the slider door to let us know when he has to go to the bathroom.  He does really well with it.  Too well.  He likes to ring it all the time.  Now, Chris & I are in pretty good shape, but we get tired getting up all the time to open the door for Bolts.  So, we got a doggie door for him.

 He loves to watch & help.
 Looks good!
 It took him a day to learn how to use it.  (the cats learned in 5 minutes...)    Now he can run in & out & play in the remaining snow.  And we can relax :)
 He eventually gets tired too.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

New Bedford Half Marathon on St Patrick's Day

We went to a local favorite pub on the Saturday before St Patrick's Day.  The 'Irish' were out in droves!
 Good beer
On Sunday, St Patrick's day, we ran out 2nd half marathon of the year!
 Close to 5,000 runners.  Chris & I were feeling tired, since we didn't really rest for the race.  The previous day, we hiked 1 hour, rode 4 1/2 hours on our bike trainers, and then ran a 3 mile transition run.
 But we did it!  Chris PR'd by a couple minutes.  I didn't, but had a good solid run:  8:50 pace.  Anything under 9 min miles for me, is a huge accomplishment.  And I've done it for most of my half marathons over the past couple of years!
 Diggin' the Recovery Boots after the race.
 While I Watched some Nascar.
 Even Bolts enjoyed some down time.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Taking the Woody to Breakfast!

Chris has finished updating the Woody.  The transmission was a wreck, so he changed that, the gears, and put in a Columbia rear end!  Speed is so much better now.

 We had a good day (at this point that means no snow & above freezing ;))  So we went on a nice drive.

 A nice drive to breakfast!!  Looking good!  I'm so ready for Summer, Polo Season, and Yacht Club functions.  We'll actually be able to drive on the highway & not be scared by someone driving over us!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Bolts 1st hike

Bolts is 4 months old & the forest is finally clear of snow,  so we took him on his first hike!  We love to hike, so we were excited to introduce him to our forest.

 He did really well on leash.  He was a little hesitant about jumping over the downed trees ;)
 The forest was really hurt by the last storm.  Trees bent over, and downed trees everywhere.  It's hard to get good photos of the devastation, but it is there.

 We let Bolts off leash for a while too.  He stays with us really well, but we know that as soon as another person or dog, he'll be off.  Fortunately, it was early in the morning, so we only encountered a few mountain bikers (and Bolts was still on the leash at that time)

 We stopped at the Pet Shoppe for more treats & food after.  Look at the large bully stick he got!  (Chris cut it into smaller pieces when we got home)
He's getting so big!  Almost 12  pounds now.
 He loves his buddy Bean.

Friday, March 15, 2013


Some fun decorations from my friends at work ;)

 My birthday was on a Sunday.  It was a good day.   A lot of biking & running & then a lot of resting & relaxing.  And eating my favorite foods - pizza and cookies - YUM!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Another freakin' storm - this one they named Saturn

The snow & slush started Thursday morning.  This is what we woke up to on Friday morning.  A total of 14 inches.  Ugh.

 Shoveling out  - again!
 Bolts loves to play in the snow!  Glad someone is enjoying it!
 It snowed all day Friday too - the roads were a mess.
 Saturday was nice & sunny.  But our poor trees - the snow was too heavy & broke so many branches.

 Our favorite pine tree :(
 We went for a hike in the forest.
 The trees that were still standing were beautiful.
 The trail in some places was impossible to find!  We had to climb over & duck under so many bent trees.

Good workout though 1 1/2 hours of hiking!  Now we are just hoping it melts fast!  Spring has to be around the corner!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Updates for Woodrow

Oddly, the dash on the Woodie was the wrong color.  Chris decided to correct it.  When Chris took the dash off, there was a little bit of rust.  So, the owner (there's only been one before us) must have decided to paint it.  
And we are painting it back - to the correct colors.

 Same with the steering wheel.

If it's gonna look good - it definitely helps to look right!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

1st hair cut

What happened - I was so cute.  Now, I look goofy!

 Oh well, hope it grows fast :)  I guess it's not that bad...
 I get a treat at least - love my chew bones!
 Pooped out from hanging out at the groomers & my neighbor's home all day!

Yep, I'm a little odd and like to sit on top of the couch.