Thursday, March 21, 2013

New Bedford Half Marathon on St Patrick's Day

We went to a local favorite pub on the Saturday before St Patrick's Day.  The 'Irish' were out in droves!
 Good beer
On Sunday, St Patrick's day, we ran out 2nd half marathon of the year!
 Close to 5,000 runners.  Chris & I were feeling tired, since we didn't really rest for the race.  The previous day, we hiked 1 hour, rode 4 1/2 hours on our bike trainers, and then ran a 3 mile transition run.
 But we did it!  Chris PR'd by a couple minutes.  I didn't, but had a good solid run:  8:50 pace.  Anything under 9 min miles for me, is a huge accomplishment.  And I've done it for most of my half marathons over the past couple of years!
 Diggin' the Recovery Boots after the race.
 While I Watched some Nascar.
 Even Bolts enjoyed some down time.

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