Thursday, June 20, 2013

Patriot Half Ironman Triathlon

There is a local half ironman triathlon just down the street from our house  (1.2 mile swim; 56 mile bike; 13.1 mile run).  We did the race in 2007 - it's 1st time, but haven't been back since.  It used to be 4th of July weekend, now it's Father's Day weekend - always 'tuff weekends for us.  But we made it back this year.  Wasn't sure I was ready for a half, since we just did a full ironman 4 weeks prior...

 The swim - always looks so freakin' long.  Oh boy!  We haven't been swimming much, or biking, or running...It's going to be a long day...
 Chris getting ready
 A lot of Bay Staters (our triathlon team) were doing the race.  We had our own rack - which is pretty cool.
 The race did feel long, but we got it done!  Chris did really good.  I felt like I raced as fast as I could, so I was happy with my finish as well.

After the race portrait :)

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