Monday, December 29, 2014

Other fun IL activities

The gym!  Oh yes, we definitely needed to hit the gym!  2 days:  2 1/2 hours one day of swim, bike, run; and 3 hours the 2nd day of bike, run, bike, run, weights

 And basketball!  The local school has a really good team, so it was fun to watch them crush the holiday tournament!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

 Good food!
 Time for presents!
 The kids!  Not so little anymore!  And Bryan has a girlfriend!
 The $2 gift that I gave - sleighs made from candy canes and candy bars :)
 So many desserts!  Wowzer!
 That was all from Christmas Eve.  Christmas day was low key - spent at my sisters.  Fun present time, then breakfast, then movies :)  Nice & relaxing.  Good for all that food to digest!!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Lasalette festival of lights

Finally made it to Lasalette!  I've wanted to come to this festival of lights for years!
 It was worth the wait :)

 Cocoa and carousel were also part of the event

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Happy Holidays!

We had a few fun Christmas parties!
Our first one was in Connecticut with some hot rod friends!
 Always a good time meeting our friends we usually only see in the summer

Our next party was in RI - with our yacht club friends
 more good food and drink! 
 and good conversation :)

Then it was another Christmas party at a hot rod friends home in MA

 So much food! 

Then it was our own little party with Chris' brother, daughter, and husband
 Bolts came to this one :)  He loves Corey!

 Photo op!
It's not even Christmas yet, and I feel like I need to start seriously dieting!  Maximum Capacity has been reached!  Thank goodness our 2015 program has started, so the weight I gained this season will slowly start coming off (at least I hope so!!)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

On the way back home

a dog park!  That Bolts loved!

 a big area to run, and some shade too :)
 and we got to stop at the famous Waffle House :)  Good food, surprisingly, ha!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Daytona Turkey Run 2014!

 Always nice to be back at the Daytona 500 race track!  This year, they were doing some work while the car show was going on.
The day was beautiful.
 a lot of swappers

 and a lot of vehicles

 We walked for 5 hours, and still didn't see all the cars.
 Bolts got a little tired of walking...  of course, he was ready for this ride as soon as we walked in.  He likes to play, but exercise is not his thing.