Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Happy Holidays!

We had a few fun Christmas parties!
Our first one was in Connecticut with some hot rod friends!
 Always a good time meeting our friends we usually only see in the summer

Our next party was in RI - with our yacht club friends
 more good food and drink! 
 and good conversation :)

Then it was another Christmas party at a hot rod friends home in MA

 So much food! 

Then it was our own little party with Chris' brother, daughter, and husband
 Bolts came to this one :)  He loves Corey!

 Photo op!
It's not even Christmas yet, and I feel like I need to start seriously dieting!  Maximum Capacity has been reached!  Thank goodness our 2015 program has started, so the weight I gained this season will slowly start coming off (at least I hope so!!)

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