Friday, August 1, 2014

Mascoma Man Triathlon

We signed up for a half ironman in New Hampshire.  
Some fog in the morning, so the race started about 45 minutes late.  It was a pretty small race - so only about 150 athletes.  Chris & I were actually in the same wave group - (and it was small), so he took off - and I drafted him the whole swim!  IT was great!  And we had a great time too!
Then it was onto the bike.  ooooh, I wish we had taken our road bikes instead of our tri bikes (more aero & better on long flat road races).  The hills were crazy on this bike ride.  Some were so steep, I thought I would fall off!  There were a lot of steep hills in the beginning, and then the course eased into more rolling hills in the middle.  Then back to the steep killers at the end.  It was a long ride -(58.5 miles).  I was fried for the run, but made the 13.1 miles.  Chris had a great run - one of his fastest half marathon runs ever!
Weather was perfect for the race, thank goodness.  Warm, but not hot - nice breeze, and lots of clouds.  Sun would poke out every once in a while - really perfect conditions.

 My race was no PR but since it was such a difficult course and small -I won my age group!  Pretty cool!  They gave us sunglasses, a pint glass, and blueberries.  Yum!  Pretty nice!
Chris had a much better race - and he did well in his age group - but guys divisions are tuff!

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