Sunday, March 29, 2015

Its starting to melt...

Slowly slowly slowly we are starting to see grass.  It's been a couple weeks with above freezing temps. It still freezes at night though.

 The piles are getting smaller
 But we still have a lot!  I think it's going to take a long time to get rid of all this!
 The ocean still has frozen surf too.  Sheesh!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Side trip to SC!

While I was in NC, we took a side trip to SC!

 Nice views from our hotel!
 My friend's daughter was in a cheer competition - a lot of fun to watch!

 We also managed to take some nice walks - and catch some sights!
 and time to relax :)
 I also managed to get my workouts in  - nice view from the stationary bike - pool & beach!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Fun trip to NC!

I went to NC to visit my good friend!

 We had a couple days of nice weather - and some rain too.  Better than snow though!!

 We went to her son's baseball game - which they won!

 And had lunch in some great places - with water views :)

A great trip!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

New Bedford half marathon!

 Snow started to melt - so this race was on!  Still a little chilly - and the wind along the coast - brrrr!
Lots of competitors - the gym at the YMCA before the race  - packet pick up & hang out time.
 Chris & I both had good races - no PR's - just a good fun run!

Friday, March 20, 2015


Another year older!
Best birthday present - hearing the news that my friend's brain tumor is shrinking!  Yay!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

St Patty's Day Party!

 Our friends have a yearly St Patrick's day party :)  Fun times!!
 and yummy food - lots & lots & lots of desserts.
Spring is coming - so it's nice to hook up with our friends and plan more fun gatherings!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Cancelled race -

Hyannis half marathon was cancelled for 2015, since there was so much snow & no where for anyone to park.  I wasn't disappointed :).  And don't they give out the ugliest Tshirts.  Ugh.  This goes right to Chris' pile of clothes to wear in the garage!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Poor Bolts

While we were in Mexico, Bolts was giving himself another 'hot spot'.  This time around his eye!  Silly guy!  So now he gets the cone, which he doesn't mind at all.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Ahhh Mexico!

Another day of relaxing by the pool with great friends! (photos by Julie)

 And a little time at the beach watching the local fishermen.
 On Friday, we headed to town :)
 Decided to do a little whale watching - woohoo!!
 Land's end!

 And we saw whales!!  Wow - it was so amazing!  They were so close too.  This one was flopping his fins around.

 Gotta going, but didn't get any photo's coming...

 We got a couple good ones of whale tails, but they wouldn't upload to this site, darn.

 There was other wildlife too - pelicans
 and seals :)
 and crabs

 Dinner downtown

 Chris & Ray had so much fun!
 And we stopped by a local night club too :)  (photo by Julie)
 Our last morning at our resort
 But, low & behold, our flight was cancelled, so we moved to another resort down the beach (our current place didn't have any available rooms)  This resort was pretty cool too.

 We took a walk down the beach.
 our view from our 'news room
 So, the next day, we went back to our first resort, and continued to hang with our friends.  Volleyball was on the agenda :)
 Then Chris & I took a walk downtown
 Saw the seal trying to beg for fish - he follows them into the harbor - jumping at the boat the whole way.
 Enjoyed a nice beer.
 Our final morning - our trip was extended by 2 days :)

 And we even saw whales from the beach - jumping for joy!   What a fabulous trip!!