Thursday, March 12, 2015

Mexico! Our first couple of days!

Ahh, it was so nice to get out of the cold!  This is a picture of one of the Great Lakes - frozen!  We couldn't wait to get to Mexico (Cabo San Lucas on the Baja peninsula) - and cancelled flights were stopping us!

 Beautiful pool & resort!  Day 1 - we met our friends from Reno on a Tuesday. We were supposed to arrive on Monday - but weather in Dallas derailed our trip a bit.
 It was worth the wait - what a view!
 The resort was so beautiful - all inclusive too.
 We just relaxed with our friends the first afternoon.  The sunshine felt so good!
 The resort at night

 Day 2 - Chris & I were up bright & early, since we were on east coast time.  So we saw the sun rise.  The beach was beautiful, but the sand was so deep, it was almost impossible to walk on.
 We did manage to get some running in - but with a lot of walking put in too.

 More relaxing by the pool.  Just exactly what the doctor ordered!

 Dinner!  Our evening at the Steakhouse.  Food was yummy!
 Desserts too!
 What great looking couples!
 The following day, we headed down the beach to a local hot spot on the beach.  It was fun!  (the following 2 pictures are my friend Julie's)
 And we rented jet skis - that's our resort in the background.  Good times!  No winter coat needed here - ha!

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