Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Back to the grind...

No, we never really stop training.  Because it's way to hard to start again!  Last fall, we actually took 23 days off after Ironman Maryland.  Our longest stretch - there was zero exercise.  Maybe a few easy walks - but that was it.  Then we started doing some easy bikes, and easy runs (or hikes).  And slowly, very slowly, eased back into a routine.  December - we started a training program - which gives us a long build up to our next Ironman.  It's been a struggle - staying focused - and getting up each morning to swim, bike, or run.  So, this year, while we have some races planned, we are going to plan on taking them easy - and just finish them, without trying to go fast or beat previous times. All that can go out the window, when we actually race of course - but mentally, this plan is helping us to get to the start line...

We are planning on doing a couple half marathons; a couple short triathlons (sprints or internationals); 3 half ironman distances; and 2 full ironman distances.  We were hoping to finish a 50 mile trail run - so maybe this fall or next year.

Happy Training!

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