Monday, February 23, 2015

Blizzard #2 2015 - Wowzer!

Getting ready the day before - clearing the roof!!
 Bolts doing his Zoomies - before he can't see the ground again!
 Not too deep yet...
 What's another 20 inches??!! - on top of 35....
 Our back deck - we might see it next summer
 We usually grill all 4 seasons  - but not this one!
 Trying to clear our walkway - no where to put it!

 Next to clear off - our vehicles...
 if we can find them - ha!
 Some serious drifts!
 Oh, then we had to clear a path for the dog - so he could go to the bathroom - might be easier to make a spot on our bathroom floor for him!
 Our main road - still early.  This is usually cleared to the pavement quite quickly.
 can't even make a snow angel - since it's so deep!
 Next up - clearing off the trailers.  Not sure how we are going to get to them...

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