Saturday, May 30, 2015

Fun trip with Mom

I met my mom in Fl for a nice vacation.  We relaxed by the pool,
 I rode my bike on the trainer (a lot!)
 We had dinner with friends
 We took nice walks
 and enjoyed yummy breakfasts
 and walked on the beach
 We met up with family! (haven't seen my cousins in years - was so fun to reconnect!)
 I ran up this hill (a lot!)
 We had lunch with more family!!!
 And lunch with friends again :)
 and dinner with family - whew!  We also managed to squeeze in a little shopping too :)
 Then we drove north
 and stayed with my aunt (and saw some more cousins that I haven't seen in years!)
 So many nice views on the drive to IL
What a vacation!  so many friends and family - it was great!

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