Friday, December 16, 2016

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

It's getting cold and we've had a little snow (melted right away)
The Christmas shows are on  - like my favorite "The Year Without a Santa Claus" with Heat Miser and Snow Miser :)
 Looking for holiday crafts to give as holiday gifts...

and snack ideas for Christmas parties
 our home has a few decorations - we keep it simple - a wreath and some bows :)

and some night lights!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Getting the rest of those pesky leaves!

We like to get as many leaves mowed up before winter arrives.
 We were pretty late this year though - already freezing temps - brrr!!
 There were SO many leaves this year - ugh!


But it looks so good when it is done!  Hopefully we'll only get a few that blow in from the woods around our house - the leaves are pretty much off all the trees!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Heading South!

Off to Florida for Thanksgiving!  A long drive - but so worth it!
Bolts gets bored very easily - these are the only 2 times he was in the back and not on our laps - and it only lasted for a few minutes.
But he got lots of belly rubs when he got to Chris' mom's house!
We were able to get to the ocean - ahhh
and spent some time on the bike trails - ahhh
meanwhile - Bolts is getting more belly rubs - ahhh
He did get some exercise :)
and what can be better than Thanksgiving dinner outside on the lanai!!  ahhh
Chris' mom and husband Tony have a new beautiful home - it's the same layout as their last home, but has some more updates, and it's on 1 acre (instead of 5), so will be easier to maintain.
And we made it to Daytona - the annual Turkey Run car show
Lots and lots and lots of cars - and people too
The usual - not the best cars in the country - but we still  have fun walking around.  And there are a few good cars here and there
This moving truck was the highlight - very cool!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

New driveway!

Our driveway was starting to crack and fall apart, so we had it redone
 They tore out the old one - since it was so thin and crumbly
 laid down some serious thick base coat

 and then repaved it all

 and they did it all in 6 1/2 hours!!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Getting our work done

Chris is busy building a motor for the red coupe

 and we also got busy closing up the sailing season
 by covering out boat!  Looking forward to sailing next May!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Woodie Cruise

It was a beautiful weekend day - so we went for a cruise in Woodrow!

 Lots of back country driving and seaside sitting
 and yummy coffee shops!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Bolts Birthday!

Bolts is 4 years old today!  Time flies!
and so can Bolts!
 He loves playing - with sticks

 and going for nice long walks!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Saratoga Springs!

Our Orange Coupe is going to be in a museum this winter!
The Saratoga Springs, NY auto museum - an event featuring the Rolling Bones Hot Rod Garage and their cool builds.
So last weekend, we took a beautiful ride west & north
 We're leaving our car trailer - and the RB crew will do the honors of delivering our car to the museum, since they don't need them until Tuesday
 So we enjoyed some time at the Bones garage
 Bolts wasn't too interested in cars - he just wanted to chew his ball and lay in their back field
 Later in the day, we met up with some other friends who live on a golf course.  Since the course was closed for the day, Bolts was able to enjoy chasing his ball on nicely manicured fields

 Our friends had a giant ball, which scared him, but he wouldn't leave it alone.

It was a short trip, but we did enjoy a nice run through their park.  We love it - so many nice trails

 Group photo!