Friday, November 11, 2016

Saratoga Springs!

Our Orange Coupe is going to be in a museum this winter!
The Saratoga Springs, NY auto museum - an event featuring the Rolling Bones Hot Rod Garage and their cool builds.
So last weekend, we took a beautiful ride west & north
 We're leaving our car trailer - and the RB crew will do the honors of delivering our car to the museum, since they don't need them until Tuesday
 So we enjoyed some time at the Bones garage
 Bolts wasn't too interested in cars - he just wanted to chew his ball and lay in their back field
 Later in the day, we met up with some other friends who live on a golf course.  Since the course was closed for the day, Bolts was able to enjoy chasing his ball on nicely manicured fields

 Our friends had a giant ball, which scared him, but he wouldn't leave it alone.

It was a short trip, but we did enjoy a nice run through their park.  We love it - so many nice trails

 Group photo!

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