Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Chris' China Trip

Chris had to go to China for a business trip!  His first time & it was definitely an experience.  Fortunately, his company has a facility in Xiamen, China which is on the southern coast.  It was warm (er) and had clean air.
The trip takes so long, so it's not something he plans on doing very often.
A local market - Xiamen
 Xiamen is an island - so water is nearby at all times.
 auto store

 Restaurant - pick your own fish on the way in...
 Co workers
 They did visit another facility in Shenzhen - which was a 4 hour train ride (south, near Hong Kong).  He said it was much dirtier than Xiamen - more of what we would expect of China.  Shenzhen has 13 million people (Xiamen has 3 million)

 More poverty in Shenzhen. 

 Back in Xiamen - demographics show a young crowd.  Chris said the average age at that facility was 25.
 Xiamen is a growing community for sporting events.  They have a half marathon; marathon; and now an Ironman 70.3 (half ironman).  They have some beautiful roads to run - that are palm tree lined & also have statues of runners.

 The Xiamen facility is super clean

 They had a 10 year anniversary party.  All the employees formed groups and gave performances

 Chris' hotel

 Xiamen is almost directly west of Taiwan

 Shenzhen is near Hong Kong
What an experience! 

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