Friday, March 31, 2017

A trip to DC!

Chris had a business meeting in DC, so I tagged along :)  Weather was supposed to be nicer than MA too.

 Spent one day walking around Georgetown - so many shops and restaurants and cute homes

 the University is beautiful

 It sits right along the Potomac - so of course they have sculling teams
 Chris was off one morning - but had afternoon meetings, so he saw a little of Georgetown.  We did go back and have dinner at Martins Tavern - well known by past Presidents, like JFK and Truman (frequent visitors)

 And we had a Georgetown Cupcake - pretty good!
 Chris had meetings the next morning.  But later in the day, we managed to get around a lot of places:
Arlington National Cemetary

 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
 Lincoln Memorial

 Vietnam Memorial Wall
 Washington's Monument
 WWII Memorial
 Jefferson's Memorial
 Treasury Building
 The White House!
 VP motorcade - leaving a meeting at the White House
 And we managed to speed through a few museums - Museum of Natural History

 Capitol Building
 Air & Space Museum  - Chris' favorite

 National Art Museum - Monet - one of my favorite artists (was in the last room we found, whew)
 National Archives too - where we saw the Declaration of Independence; Constitution and Bill of Rights!
 It was a whirlwind trip - but we did see a lot (including the cherry blossoms blooming!).  We ate in cool Taverns each night and walked many miles each day.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Dinner at a reciprocal yacht club

Yacht club events can be few and far between during the winter months.
So it was nice to hear about an invitation to dine at a beautiful yacht club in Jamesport RI

 A nice crowd of about 50 BYC yacht club members attended. And our friends from down the Jamestown road joined us as well!
 Nice views of the Newport bridge
 Their yacht club was very nice - beautiful sitting room with fireplace
 Hopefully we will come back again soon

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Picking up the orange coupe!

Museum display ended - so we had to go to Saratoga Springs, NY and pick up our hot rod

 The museum moves cars in and out all the time, so they had it down to a science
 We just had to move it out and load it into our trailer.  Too bad it wasn't a nice day (March weather has been awful), or else we could have driven it home!
 The other RB cars were moving out too
 It was fun being part of the museum display.  And plans are in the works for them to be displayed in LA next year - cool!!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

NB Half Marathon!

It was a windy & cold day for a half marathon race - but we sucked it up and did it anyway.   The wind was outrageous - 25 mph steady, that didn't include the gusts.  I'm so glad we didn't have any time goals other than to finish!
 Which we did!  It wasn't fast - although we did run it faster than I thought - so that's always good - especially when it didn't hurt.  The wind did though - it was a steady cold headwind for the first 3 miles, and then the last 5 were brutal (along the coast, where it almost carried you away).
Now that I'm racing for fun - I think I will have to rethink some of these winter races.  Being hot & sweaty is much more enjoyable; even if it makes it tuff!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Bolts lost his fuzz!

We love Bolts fuzzy curls, so we kept him long this winter.  Here he is at his favorite place - the Vets.  He is excitedly whining for the doctor here - crazy!

 Of course, just as winter returned - he got his curls chopped off
 He's so cute and fuzzy, it was a hard decision - but I know he was too warm when he was in the house.
 After - bye bye cuteness
 Aww - he doesn't look too bad, but we do miss his curls.  Playing in the snow hasn't stopped him yet.