Friday, March 31, 2017

A trip to DC!

Chris had a business meeting in DC, so I tagged along :)  Weather was supposed to be nicer than MA too.

 Spent one day walking around Georgetown - so many shops and restaurants and cute homes

 the University is beautiful

 It sits right along the Potomac - so of course they have sculling teams
 Chris was off one morning - but had afternoon meetings, so he saw a little of Georgetown.  We did go back and have dinner at Martins Tavern - well known by past Presidents, like JFK and Truman (frequent visitors)

 And we had a Georgetown Cupcake - pretty good!
 Chris had meetings the next morning.  But later in the day, we managed to get around a lot of places:
Arlington National Cemetary

 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
 Lincoln Memorial

 Vietnam Memorial Wall
 Washington's Monument
 WWII Memorial
 Jefferson's Memorial
 Treasury Building
 The White House!
 VP motorcade - leaving a meeting at the White House
 And we managed to speed through a few museums - Museum of Natural History

 Capitol Building
 Air & Space Museum  - Chris' favorite

 National Art Museum - Monet - one of my favorite artists (was in the last room we found, whew)
 National Archives too - where we saw the Declaration of Independence; Constitution and Bill of Rights!
 It was a whirlwind trip - but we did see a lot (including the cherry blossoms blooming!).  We ate in cool Taverns each night and walked many miles each day.

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