Monday, April 3, 2017

Another Painting Project!

Still updating our house - maybe we'll sell it while prices are on the rise.  Not sure where we'll move though...  somewhere warm and sunny would be nice though!
So my next project was our 3rd bedroom - which we call the treadmill room, because that's where we keep the treadmill and other odds and ends :)
Originally, I had wanted a rust color - which is what we got - but it was a little too pink.  I know it looks orange in this photo - but this room has funny angles and the lighting is atrocious.  The color wasn't ugly enough to redo - until now :)  We had some brown paint left over from painting our kitchen.  It's kind of dark - but I didn't want to waste $$ on another color.  So that's what I used  And it turned out fine.

 Again, it's hard to tell from these photos.  But we are happy with the result - nice, simple, and neutral!
 Guess we'll have to get rid of our rust rug - but that will have to wait until we move the treadmill.

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