Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Ironman Texas!

Back in Texas for another Ironman!  So nice to be in warm weather!!  It was perfect temperatures - 70's and 80's.
 Expo!  We've done this a few times, so we don't hang out too much at the Expo.  We check in; look at a couple things; and get out.  Chris did get a new pair of running shoes this trip though.  I had bought a pair in DC, and loved them (Hoka One's), so Chris tried on a pair.  He loves them too.  So cushiony!  We didn't race in them though - they are kinda bulky.

 We walked around The Woodlands river front.  A lot of fun restaurants and shops.  We really like this area.  But it's my 4th time racing here (Chris' 3rd), so we probably won't be back.  We've done the Ironman thing enough and are ready to try new races.
 Thursday, we checked in; Friday, we checked our bikes and transition bags in
 Lots of racers!

 and Saturday, we raced!  5:00 morning shot :)
 The weather was really good for a race.  Nice & warm in the morning.  No wetsuits for the swim, which always causes it to be Looonnnng.  But we did it!  A chance of T storms on the bike that didn't materialize, thankfully.  The bike ride was pretty good.  Chris and I both planned to go easy.  We planned it to be our last Ironman, and just wanted to try and enjoy the day.  And the bike was pretty enjoyable. Even for Chris, who's chain came off at mile 56 and broke his spoke & back break.  Bike Tech was nearby and helped him pretty quickly.  But they didn't have an extra wheel (which he wanted, as his was pretty bent).  Chris didn't want to quit though, so he borrowed tools from the Bike tech; cut off the broken spoke; took his back break off (so the bent wheel wouldn't rub); and off he went!  McGyver style!  Good thing he's so handy!  Then at mile 80 - the wind picked up - to 25 mile per hour.  Ugh.  We had done the same section earlier (as it was a 2 loop course), and the wind was bearable.  But later in the day, it picked up something fierce!  The pros and fast cyclist were lucky - as they missed the wind.  Too bad we aren't that fast!!  So the last 30 miles were very challenging.  Then it was onto the run.  I was off the bike first, since Chris had his mechanical issue.  I probably would have had a decent run, if I wasn't hit by those bike head winds for the last 2 hours on the bike.  But the winds were too much for me and my leg.   About 3 weeks before the race, my hip flexor started bothering me - and would cause my quad and hamstring muscles to tighten up during my training rides.  It was too close to the race to really fix the injury (if I even knew how), so I went into the IM with a sore leg.  It wasn't too sore, where I couldn't continue to work out, etc.  Just one of those injuries (probably overuse) that might crop up on race day, or might not.  But it did - so I basically walked the entire run.  Any time I tried to run (for 30 seconds at a time, my leg would start hurting and it would cause me to limp).  I decided I didn't want to injure my leg anymore.  Chris caught up to me, and even though he was feeling good, he walked the course with me.  He said that he would probably start feeling bad in an hour or so, and then he wouldn't have anyone to walk with :)  What a guy. So we had a nice conversation and 'enjoyed' our walk.  Too bad, because it was perfect run weather.  Not the way we wanted out Ironman career to finish out - but still better than being injured for the summer. 
 And we still finished with a decent time.  Our slowest - but still way before the cut off. 
 We enjoyed some time at the finish line - before we headed back to the hotel
 Our after photo - with medals!  Not feeling too bad, since we walked for so much!
 Next morning photo op.  Our finisher T shirts were Ugly (surprising), so we decided to show off our IM fit bodies!  And we were fit for this race - probably the most fit.  Bummer my injury wouldn't let our fitness shine through. 
We enjoyed Sunday - hanging around the riverfront again
It was a little cooler - but still a beautiful day!

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