Friday, September 28, 2018

Another fun day on Sunday!

We were selected to race in a sailboat team race on Sunday.

We only had a couple of our regular crew, as most crew members needed to be from the yacht club

 Calm water  = no wind!
 Yep, we hung around on the boat for an hour, then they cancelled the race.  Oh well, we still had a good time!
 And we were able to make it home in time for the Porch Fest!  A number of bands were playing on porches in downtown Bristol.  We were lucky enough to know a few of the owners of these porches, so it made it even more fun!

 It was a huge success, and there was quite a crowd strolling the streets.  The music was amazing too!

 A lot of people commented on how cute Bolts was - until he decided to attack a kids doll.  He was not a fan of this little doll.

 And we ended the evening on another friends porch for some wine and an Amazing Sunset!!

 Wow - just Wow!

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