Friday, November 30, 2018


Driving to IL to spend Thanksgiving with my family.  I haven't spent a Thanksgiving in IL since 1996!!  Wow!
 We drove so we could bring Bolts :)

 We stopped in OH to check out some camping trailers
 We're thinking of getting another trailer or motorhome, since we miss camping. 
 Long and flat roads in OH and IN to get to IL!
 We stopped a few times so Bolts could run and play
 And then he wouldn't get back in the truck, hmmm
 We took a different route, so we ended up in some cute small towns

 And then we finally made it to Colfax!  Chris & my Mom worked on some house projects - bc Chris likes to stay busy.
 Me & Bolts relaxed!
 We did find a nice dog park for him though.  A little chilly though

 Yum, time for Thanksgiving Dinner!
 and since we won't be back for Christmas, we also celebrated that too!
 The kids are getting older, so not as many fun gifts any more.
 Not even any wrapping paper for Bolts to play with!
 I brought my bike trainer, so loaded up my mom's bike and spent a few hours in this guest bed room.  The set up worked great - those fat tires made me work extra hard!!
On to the next holiday!

Thursday, November 29, 2018


Chris and I went out to dinner and ran into some friends!    We usually go out about once or twice a week, but lately we've been staying home more - time change makes us want to go to bed early :)

Friday, November 23, 2018


We had a fundraiser for East Bay Sailing Foundation!  I've been the Treasure for 8 years now - wow!  We are a non profit, so depend on donations for any extra boats, sails, etc that we need.  The $$ we generate from sailing classes just pays the yearly salaries and maintenance costs.
Since we couldn't use our yacht club, we used the Marine Museum in town (which was a fantastic alternative!)
 We kept it simple - some auction items; appetizers; soup & bread.  The main attraction was Charlie Enright - one of the main sailors on the sailing vessel:  Vestas/11th Hour Racing, a Volvo Ocean Race boat.  Serious Stuff!

 We had a full house!

 Charlie gave a great presentation, as always

It was a successful evening - thanks to our donors and Charlie!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


 1st snow and someone was very excited!  (we got about 2-3 inches)

 It's always so peaceful walking in the snow :)

 It was still there in the morning , so Bolts played some more!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

New Bedford; The Cape; Plymouth

One day we hit some more local towns - which still have a lot of history!
New Bedford - Ft Taber

 New Bedford Harbor
 The Cape Cod Canal (railroad bridge)
 Bourne bridge in the background
 The sun was out, but it was still chilly - Brrr!!!
 And we made it to Plymouth to see where the Pilgrims landed in 1620

 Plymouth Harbor
What a fun time with our friends.  Our Reno friends are family, so easy and comfortable to hang with.  We can't wait to see them again this summer - along with the rest of our Reno family!!