Friday, December 28, 2018

Enjoying Christmas in Weeki Wachi, FL!

Christmas was spent at Chris' mom's home in Weeki Wachi, FL.  It's a beautiful town about an hour north of Tampa. 

 We enjoyed some Christmas lights one night!
 And we did a lot of relaxing with a great view!

 We are familiar with the area, as we've been coming here for many years, but we still enjoy cruising around

 We stopped at some local beaches one day
 The tide was waaaayyyy out!
 Chris, Liz, Tony
 A pelican came to visit :)

 Another local beach has some fun beach toys!  It was only in the 60's, so no one was playing
 Bolts dressed up for Christmas with his Santa kerchief
 Christmas dinner - yummy lasagna!
 The day after Christmas - relax relax relax :)

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