Thursday, January 31, 2019

Cars cars cars

 We checked out a few car storage/dealers one day.  Nice selection!

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Hurt paw

 Bolts decided to chew his toenail off!!  He's such a stinker about getting his nails trimmed (so the groomers don't do it).  Thus he has long nails that he trims himself!  This time he decided to chew it off, and it caused him to limp around.  We didn't want it to get infected, so we took him to the vet for some antibiotics and pain meds

Monday, January 21, 2019

Simple life!

Riding the bike trainer
 and hanging with the Bean and Bolts!  (Bolts likes to be close, hahaha)

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Update on the new lift!

Got wood for the bump out in the roof (to allow the car to ascend high enough to work under)
Making the pieces & getting it into the attic... not an easy fit

Building the bump out!


And drilling the base into the concrete floor.  Good thing we have thick concrete!
Chris will be able to work on his cars without laying on the floor soon!! 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

a new lift!

 We've added a lift to our upstairs garage!  We just need to cut a hole in the ceiling for a little more room!  Always another project :)

Sunday, January 6, 2019


Christmas decorations (what little we had) are down.  And it looks a lot like winter - no leaves and brown :(
 So we add color to our dinner  - yum!

Bolts is happy!

 We have a new temporary resident - Chris' brother's Pontiac :)

Saturday, January 5, 2019

A few last FL days

We got a swim in - love the outdoor pools!
 Enjoyed a beautiful sunset

 Finally made it to Clearwater Marine Museum.  I've wanted to come here for ages.  I have been here, but many many years ago.  Since they rescued the dolphin, Winter, the place has boomed!  (See the movie Dolphin Tale)
 Love the white pelicans too!

 Winter!  She lost her tail when she was just a baby.  She is now 13 years old & doing great!  Nicholas and Hope are 2 other dolphins that CMM has rescued and cannot release (bc they were rescued at such early ages & don't know how to survive in the wild). CMM has rescued many other dolphins, turtles, etc as well and most are able to be released once healed.  Cool place!
 Winter's new home - lots of construction!!

Friday, January 4, 2019

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!
We spent the night at my cousin's home - lots of food, people
 and a big fire!!
 Lots of little ones too -  :).  This is my cousin's wife holding her grandson who is just a couple months old.  He is also named Levi!