Saturday, January 5, 2019

A few last FL days

We got a swim in - love the outdoor pools!
 Enjoyed a beautiful sunset

 Finally made it to Clearwater Marine Museum.  I've wanted to come here for ages.  I have been here, but many many years ago.  Since they rescued the dolphin, Winter, the place has boomed!  (See the movie Dolphin Tale)
 Love the white pelicans too!

 Winter!  She lost her tail when she was just a baby.  She is now 13 years old & doing great!  Nicholas and Hope are 2 other dolphins that CMM has rescued and cannot release (bc they were rescued at such early ages & don't know how to survive in the wild). CMM has rescued many other dolphins, turtles, etc as well and most are able to be released once healed.  Cool place!
 Winter's new home - lots of construction!!

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