Thursday, January 23, 2020

Bolts buddies

 I take Bolts to the local dog park some days in the mornings and some days in the afternoon.  He plays with the same group & I've made some friends too!  His friends in the afternoon group include:  Gracie (above).  She's getting on in age ,so likes to slumber the afternoon away.  Her sister Sophie on the other hand has a lot of energy and chases balls with Bolts.  She's resting here:
 Here's Bolts hanging on the picnic table.  His other friend Noodly is laying in the background.  She's a little antisocial :)
 Here's Madison (yes, another yellow lab - Bolts really likes them)
 Pumpkin - a doodle!
 Alfie - a big dog in a small package
 Banjo - a true hound dog
 and Misty with her family
 The morning crowd includes:  Jet, a service dog - a real sweet pea
 Cooper (he had a hot spot shaved so he's looking a little unkempt)
 Sophie - the sweetest dog
 and Mac (he's a ball chaser too)
So we'll be seeing the gang again tomorrow!

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