Thursday, September 30, 2021

Heavy rain brings lots of flooding!

We got a lot of rain in a short amount of time which created some havoc.   Fortunately, we only had a puddle in the far corner of our yard.  But a lot of our friends had water in their basements.
We did have trouble going out to get a cup of coffee though!   Downtown Bristol was closed due to a flooded bridge; Chestnut Street by the high school was flooded; Bridge street in Warren was flooded;  as well as Market and Child streets.   Cops were everywhere keeping people away

We did find one coffee shop that was accessible and open :)

Then it was errand day - mostly picking up parts for the race car or hot rods :)


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Pub dinner

Always fun to meet our friends Peter & Mary at our favorite local pub, Aidan's!    We have to enjoy these outdoor evenings before it gets too cool.


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Around the island sailing race

Fun crew, windy day, beautiful scenery!

Over 100 boats in the race

We didn't place well, but we had fun!  Dark & Stormy's for the crew :)


Monday, September 27, 2021

LIme rock

Chris took a day and went to Lime Rock to watch some racing.  I didn't go on this trip

He had fun looking at all the cool cars and watching the racing ;)


Saturday, September 25, 2021

Newport Fun

We started the day with a nice walk in our neighborhood

Then headed south to Newport

I heard there was a 'purgatory chasm' in Newport, so we finally found it

it's a huge crack in the stones and is very deep

a cool bridge goes over the chasm
full of lockets
the chasm!  It's narrow and deep - very cool!

The area around the chasm is nicely wooded with some trails.  They aren't long - but it's still nice & peaceful

Then we went to downtown Newport and walked around

we love the old boats

finally, our 'regular' drive around ocean drive - nice & windy day gave the ocean a lot of chop