Tuesday, January 31, 2023

More parties!

Love these pool parties - some really good food too!

and loving trivia night.  Maybe we'll learn something :)
one of the 5 sections of trivia night.  This wasn't our paper - we traded with another group - this part was hard!  And they gave us 6 minutes.  This group is pretty good, but even they bombed this part.  Made us feel a little better :)


Monday, January 30, 2023

Pool time!

water is still warm even though the air temps have been a little cooler.  Chris is back in RI, where it's really cool so I'm not complaining
Bolts likes to chill - and he has lots of places to do it
even in the bushes :)


Saturday, January 28, 2023

Walking Mr Bolts

is never a dull moment when the squirrels are out and about

perfect night for Burger night with my friends

and then another zoom meeting!

Staying busy

Friday, January 27, 2023

Volunteering again

 another animal rescue place - more puppies and kitties to love!

orientation day
Nate's is under renovation, so they don't have as many animals as they usually have, so my volunteer days will be few and far between.  I plan to check out another volunteer group as well


Thursday, January 26, 2023

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

and just like that - it's trivia night again!

 wish we could say we were getting better, but we aren't ;)   But we are having so much fun!

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Downtown farmers market

the downtown farmers market on Saturday's is always busy and fun to attend
and then we usually stroll around some other streets while we're there and check out what's new (like this Mexican restaurant)

here they are building a brand new basic high rise in place of an older beautiful building.  It's hard to see in this photo, but they kept one small wall of the original beautiful building.  I'm sure it was mandatory - but sad that they couldn't keep the whole building.  Tear it down and build fresh - isn't always the prettiest solution

so many cute streets in town

and then back home - Bolts relaxed in the sun :)


Monday, January 23, 2023

Sebring track day

Just a one day event, but we headed over on Thursday so we didn't have to get up at 5 am :)   There were a good handful of racers already there as well.  Someone (or maybe it lives at the track) had a cat that was wandering around

Chris had some good lap times - getting back into the swing of things

The 4 cars that you can 'rent' for the day, if you'd like to give racing a try.  They come with an instuctor