Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Orlando final days

early morning on the safari :)  quiet, mostly the birds were out and about.  You could see in the distance where the 'deer' and others slept overnight though.  I'm sure at times they bring them back to a shed, so they can make sure they are healthy
always lots of activity during the day - maintenance and feeding.   Chris was at work, and missed the fun

later in the afternoon, when Chris was done, we went to the pool.  It was really nice but the air was chilly, so we didn't want to get wet

Then we went back to downtown Disney for dinner and the sights

cookies in the shape of mickey & minnie
early morning sunrise - so pretty

then we checked out of the hotel and went to the convention center where Chris has his business meetings.  They also had a dog show/competition going on, so we stopped to watch some of it
One part was the 'run' where a dog will chase a 'rabbit' and get timed on his/her speed.  There were some fast ones!

and the other part was more 'show'.  We didn't go inside to watch - we just saw the pups come and go.  It was fun seeing all the different breeds.

then it was time to head back west

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