Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Ocean Race viewing

yacht clubber & Malama skipper of the 11th Hour Racing team, Charlie Enright is doing the Ocean Race for the 3rd time.  And it's always nice that they stop in his home port, Newport RI.  He won the leg from Brazil to RI, so it was a celebratory week!   And we stopped by to watch them take off for the next leg which goes to Denmark (which he won too!!)
Beautiful day at Fort Wetherill, watching the practice, in port race, and start of leg 5

11th hour got 2nd in the in port race.   And it took them a week to get to Denmark.   Only a couple more legs to go, hope they can hold on to 1st place!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Monday, May 29, 2023

Sarah's BU graduation day!

rainy day in Boston, but the Charles River still looks pretty good!

a large crowd for Masters in Public Health (and Doctorate)

the ceremony wasn't too long - and before you know it, we saw our graduate!

back to her apartment to relax before a late lunch.  Willow her kitten checking us all out

Sarah works at this restaurant, so her co-workers/friends all stopped by to congratulate her

we all had a fun time :)


Saturday, May 27, 2023

birthday party

but first - breakfast coffee shop yums!

party for Jie!