Saturday, September 23, 2023


our neighbor (and a partner) own one of 12 meter sailing boats - Gleam.  It was built in 1937 and was raced in the America's Cup.  Gleam has not been retro fitted - meaning it still has it's wooden mast and boom.    Andy asked if we wanted to join them in a regatta.  Chris has raced on it before, but it was my first time

Chris showed me around

me & my friend Pam sat in the back and stayed out of the way :)
it was light wind - so some of the boats (it was a classic boat regatta) had to be towed out to the start
we even towed a couple boats

race committee - the race was delayed a couple hours - but we eventually raced!

nothing happened very fast since it was light wind, but it was still so great to be out there!

a friend took this picture from shore - she didn't realize it was Gleam (all the 12 meters look pretty similar)

we finally finished a 2 hour race took 4...
and then we had dinner!

big crowd, pretty sunset
checking out the other boats


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