Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Dinner on a deck

one of the last dinner's we can eat outside before BRRR hits!


Monday, October 30, 2023

Tartan 101 sailboat

checking out another sailboat  - but this one was a little further away....  Cleveland, OH!

definitely more of a racer than a cruiser

just not sure if it's too much of a racer, although we don't load our boats up with stuff, so we don't need a lot of storage space or super galley.   The basics is enough for us

Bolts was a little bored on this 20 hour drive :)


Saturday, October 28, 2023

checking out a Hanse sailboat

some friends of ours at the yacht club are selling their Hanse 34 sailboat.  They let us take it out for a test drive with some other mutual friends

it was nice, but a little too cruisey for us.     Maybe in 10 years :)

we went out for cocktails after


Friday, October 27, 2023

Send an animal on a vacation! A Satchel's animal shelter fundraiser

 I sent Max the cat to Cape Town, South Africa :)     Volunteers decorated the dogs crates and the cat's rooms with all sorts of travel paraphernalia.  They did a great job & raised $$ too

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Volunteer dinner

volunteer dinner at the yacht club - great turnout!


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

rainy day concours event

really kind of a yuck day - so we started it off with some coffee :)

then we headed to Newport to see if the Concours cars were out and about and they were!  We passed them on their drive
our friends from the yacht club - drove the Porsche speedster (Lake Underwood's son & daughter)
then it was parking time at the Tennis Hall of  Fame in Newport
our friend, Doug, built this car - and then a famous car guy (Wayne Carini) bought it.  Doug makes cool stuff!
our friend, William, a Rolling Bones owner (from England) showed up with his old Bentley
a good crowd for some yucky weather

we took a break and took a tour of the Audrain museum while we were in the area

then back outside to see the rest


Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Fall walks

it's getting chilly outside!   So Bolts is loving his walks around town
he's not sure about the coyotes on the piers though - he thought it was alive

fall colors!