Saturday, October 21, 2023

LL week #2

our class was named the pink flamingos - and they told us we needed to do a skit on our last day.  Some of our group really got into it (thank goodness), so they planned the skit - and we just had to show up and practice :)

otherwise - it was more of the same - rig boat, chalk talk, sail, de rig boat.   Sounds easy - it's not!   So pooped after just a few hours.   Definitely wish I was a kid and learning this :)

we had a great week though - some light winds which helped us learn a little easier (not so worried about capsizing)

and just like that it was our final day - we had pink flamingo cupcakes & cookies
our skit - done to the tune of Sisters Sisters from White Christmas
we did great!

Cheers - you passed!   Now just show up every Thursday and race :)    I'll be back in RI, so won't be sailing for a while again.  Hope I won't have to start over from scratch...


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