Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Some last meals in FL with friends

Lynches pub with our friends Dale & Tammy.   The prices have gotten higher and the fish tacos have lost their special sauce, so we won't be spending as much time here
then another evening was Taco Tuesday with the morning Jym crowd!

beautiful sunset


Monday, April 29, 2024

beautiful day - perfect for a nice walk & evening party

beautiful day in FL
we took a walk around Bayfront Park
then went to the beach

our villa association had a cook out that evening - nice to see everyone before they headed north

they had music playing too!


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Busy FL days

dog park! - Hi Benson

farmers market - downtown

quick peak of the beach

and dinner with Mom & friends


Friday, April 26, 2024

Full Fleep Day


party at night - at our favorite hosts house - Carole's (Ashley is practicing a game that we will play during our May regatta)
Carole's MG - had to take a picture for Chris


pizza for dinner!

earlier in the day - storm clouds kept most of us off the water.  A few ventured out, but only lasted 10 minutes - many were swept off course as the storm came in fast!

Friday, April 19, 2024

Trivia night - at Origins

Tamiami Tap has become too busy - for us, since we can't go every week, so we tried Trivia at a different place
Good pizza - good friends - and the trivia questions were easier, so we didn't feel so dumb ;)

we even got 2nd place!!


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Cul de sac party!

We finally got together - our cul de sac :)  Beautiful evening for a large chat session!


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Visiting our neighbor's workshop

a neighbor in the Meadows does some metal artwork - he invited us to his workshop - that he shares with a friend who puts airplanes together!

it was a cool experience and we learned a lot!